
Simple Beginnings

Crunchy Coffee Company is the culmination of a love for coffee and a desire to share better coffees with the world. I am so excited to be on this journey and so thankful you’re with me, as I get closer to launching the new store.

I love coffee. I have always loved coffee. I remember the first time I saw chocolate covered espresso beans in the store, and I begged my mom to buy a container of them. She did, and I proceeded to eat 1/2 a pound of them over the course of an afternoon. My love for coffee grew. As a young adult, if I wasn’t at work, or in school, I was probably at the local coffee shop. My love for coffee just kept growing.

Over the next few weeks, I’ll be doing all that super fun administrative stuff that I have to do to be able to deliver affordable, exceptional single origin, fair trade and custom blended coffees to your door. I’ve focused more on finding exceptional roasting companies and fantastic growers and I can’t wait to share them with you.